The area of El Corojo belongs to the municipality of San Luís, it's located approximately 3 kilometers from the "las Cuchillas de Barbacoa" farm (where the late Alejandro Robaina Family Estate is located), 2-3 kilometers south of the town of San Luis. There has been very little written about this area that's known for it's wrapper leaf. However, much has been written about the 'Corojo' strain of tobacco leaf that's widely used in the area of San Luis & San Juan y Martinez. The Corojo strain was created at the famous El Corojo plantation owned by the Rodriguez family back in the early part of the last century. I'm not sure if the farm was actually located within the El Corojo area, what I have read was that it was located within the municipality of San Luis. The farm got its name from a palm tree that Rodriguez found growing on the plantation and all over the area. This part of the country was developed for tobacco growing back in the middle of the 19th century when the industry expanded.
There isn't much written about this part of Pinar del Rio except for geography. I wish I could tell you something about cigars produced from farms in this area but I can't. It isn't visited frequently and the tobacco growers I've encountered simply don't care to. But times are changing....El Corojo can now boast about having 2 'Hombre Habanos' within it's small confines. This year's winner for the award was Servilio Jesús Córdova (for Producción) and Armando Miguel Padrón won in 2008 (also for Producción), both their farms are located in the El Corojo area. I believe that someone will be producing some cigars soon....just to pass around to visitors. I Hope So.
It's not easy getting around El Corojo, most of the roads are not paved and could be quite hazardous during or just after a heavy rainfall. I've only been here several times but intend to visit more often in the future. The pictures I've posted were taken at different times and different seasons.
There isn't much written about this part of Pinar del Rio except for geography. I wish I could tell you something about cigars produced from farms in this area but I can't. It isn't visited frequently and the tobacco growers I've encountered simply don't care to. But times are changing....El Corojo can now boast about having 2 'Hombre Habanos' within it's small confines. This year's winner for the award was Servilio Jesús Córdova (for Producción) and Armando Miguel Padrón won in 2008 (also for Producción), both their farms are located in the El Corojo area. I believe that someone will be producing some cigars soon....just to pass around to visitors. I Hope So.
It's not easy getting around El Corojo, most of the roads are not paved and could be quite hazardous during or just after a heavy rainfall. I've only been here several times but intend to visit more often in the future. The pictures I've posted were taken at different times and different seasons.
Many of the growers in the 'El Corojo' area come to get their tobacco plants here after they grow to a few inches
Alexis Benítez Toledo, nominated for Hombre Habano in 2012
Armando Miguel Padrón won Hombre Habano in 2008
Servilio Jesús Córdova won the current Hombre Habano for 2020