This cigar was released late in 2015 and sold (is selling) very quickly. I believe, as with the Infantes of 2013, they will be sold out soon. Only 7000 Numbered Dress Box of 10 cigars were made and people are loving the choice of brand that was used, especially since only the no.2 is being rolled at the moment in the regular production lineup. This cigar is considered a Robusto weighing in at 50 x 124 (4.9"), exactly like Cuba's previous Regional the El Rey del Mundo Infantes of 2013.
This nice looking cigar was gifted to me during the Partagas Encuentro last year. It was smooth and almost veinless topped with a beautifully constructed cap. Once cut and lit the draw showed itself to be perfect. At the start I tasted toasted wood with hint of floral which dissipated as the smoke went on. At about the 3/4" mark I noticed the cigar was burning hotter through the middle and it went out because of it. I had to do a major torch job on the cigar to get it to a proper burn and thought that would be the end of this cigar tasting any good but it surprised me by coming back and tasting pretty good. It started out as a solid medium but became stronger at the second half. Earth now is the dominant flavour with wood taking a back seat past the half. I've had to do a lot of touch ups during this second half until I finally put the cigar down.
This cigar had construction issues and it still tasted pretty good. I've bought two boxes and will try one from one of those boxes before I give a final judgement. If I had to base it from this one experience I would say that this cigar needs some time to reach it's potential and there seems to be something very nice happening under that rough exterior. If you're thinking of buying these, hurry, it may already be too late.
This nice looking cigar was gifted to me during the Partagas Encuentro last year. It was smooth and almost veinless topped with a beautifully constructed cap. Once cut and lit the draw showed itself to be perfect. At the start I tasted toasted wood with hint of floral which dissipated as the smoke went on. At about the 3/4" mark I noticed the cigar was burning hotter through the middle and it went out because of it. I had to do a major torch job on the cigar to get it to a proper burn and thought that would be the end of this cigar tasting any good but it surprised me by coming back and tasting pretty good. It started out as a solid medium but became stronger at the second half. Earth now is the dominant flavour with wood taking a back seat past the half. I've had to do a lot of touch ups during this second half until I finally put the cigar down.
This cigar had construction issues and it still tasted pretty good. I've bought two boxes and will try one from one of those boxes before I give a final judgement. If I had to base it from this one experience I would say that this cigar needs some time to reach it's potential and there seems to be something very nice happening under that rough exterior. If you're thinking of buying these, hurry, it may already be too late.
As usual..... Outstanding post and beautiful pics😎